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Q: What is informal interaction?
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What is the difference between informal and formal interaction?

informal is where you interact informal and stuff and i fink formal is where u do something formal, im like eric einstien theres ur answer.

Explain the difference between formal and informal group?

Informal groups are not made by the management but get made on their own inside an organization because of constant interaction between members. Formal groups are groups with roles and responsibilities for those within, such as a church.

Characteristics of informal communication?

Informal communication is based on the relaxed conversation experienced through social relationships. This is relaxed interaction with people who have some sort of non-professional connection, such as friends or members of clubs. The information is exchanged in a relaxed setting such as a party, social engagement or sharing meals together.

Define interaction force and interaction distance?

interaction force is the interaction in a force, and interaction distance is the distance in interaction there for its all said in the name.

What are the differences between a talk and a speech?

A talk is generally more informal, interactive, and conversational in nature, often involving back-and-forth communication with the audience. A speech is typically more formal, structured, and one-sided, with the speaker delivering information to the audience without as much interaction.

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informal letter informal letter

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informal talk what is it

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informal reseach

How do you spell you are informal in spanish?

Eres informal

What is 'Where are you from' when translated from English to French?

D'où est-tu? in the informal singular and D'où êtes-vous? in the formal/informal plural and informal singular are French equivalents of the English phrase "Where are you from?" The choice depends upon the number of listeners and upon the formality -- of differences in age, familiarity, rank, status -- or informality -- family member, friend, peer -- which drives the interaction. The respective pronunciation will be "doo ey-tyoo" and "doo et-voo" in French.