

What is inhaling glue called?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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Stupid, for one.

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Q: What is inhaling glue called?
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Related questions

Can you die from inhaling a tiny bit of glue?

No, you can not die from inhaling a tiny bit of any glue, or else it would be very carefully controlled. However it is still not a good idea as some glue has dangerous vapour that can make you sick.

What is sniffing solvents?

Sniffing solvents means inhaling glue vapour, which is very bad for your health.

Can you die from inhaling sharpie markers?

No you won't die, but you will have brain damage. The Sharpie has acetate as an ingredient and that is used in glue. So sniffing a Sharpie is the same as sniffing glue.

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What is the stick of glue called that you put in a glue gun?

Glue stick.

In the twits what is the glue called?

hugtight glue

How do chipmunks breathe?

By inhaling and exhaling, inhaling and exhaling, inhaling and exhaling,inhaling and exhaling, inhaling and exhaling, inhaling and exhaling,inhaling and exhaling, inhaling and exhaling, inhaling and exhaling.........and crapping...........................

Why do you need the liver?

To sample out toxic gasses or material in your body. When you forexample are inhaling the gasses of "super" glue, the liver make sure that it doesn't get into your blood

What is the glue that holds sedimentary grains together called?

The glue is called chocolate munchies

What does the saying on glue mean?

It means that the person is trying to get high by inhaling the fumes from glue. It goes without saying that it also means a stupid person, because these poisonous fumes destroy their brain.ANS 2 - There are lots of 'sayings' on many different kinds of glue.

What is glue?

Glue is a substance that sticks things together.

What is it called when inhaling deeply into your back and rib cage areas?
