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Well a bear bear, as opposed to a, say, teddy bear, has many more individual things inside of it. For instance, the inside of a bear bear contains organs while a common teddy bear usually only contains a single type of stuffing.

Some stuffing a teddy bear would have inside of itself is wool wool. (No joke, The actual name is [wool]x2. It is also known as excelsior) Another material inside of a teddy bear is kapoka which is a silky, fluffy fiber taken from the seed pods of the Ceiba tree. The most common stuff inside of a teddy bear is polyester. It is Inexpensive, easy to use, and available everywhere. Other very uncommon stuffings are wool, corn, and bamboo. Some posable bears contain glass or plastic pellets. It could also contain Metal electronic devices that make sounds or magnets.

The inside of a bear bear could be very similar to what is inside of you right now. Bear bears could contain any one of those objects that could be found inside of a teddy bear. In addition, they contain a skeletal system. Their skeletal system contains about 360+ bones. This includes major bones such as the cranium and bones that you have probably never heard of before such as the ol ecranon process. A bear bear also has a very strong muscular system that aids their skeletal system inside of them. Other major things inside of a bear bear are it's organs. Many organs that are inside of you are also inside of a bear bear, such as the brain, lungs, stomach, gall bladder, intestines, liver, heart, pancreas, kidneys, and trachea.

A bear bear could also contain many other objects. These are usually unexpected objects found inside of a bear bear because the bear bear thought that it was something edible. A few foreign objects that could be found in a bear bear are cellphones, Plastic items, and teddy bears.

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It has insides just like any other animal (or bear) however if it has just eaten then inside a polar bear there is likely to be a seal.

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Q: What is inside a polar bears ears and tail?
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How does the small ears help the polar bear?

So they can hear if any enemies are near

What is the thick fur of a polar bear that protects them in a successfully environments?

It is just clear fur.Polar bears have black skin.Their ears and tail keeps them warm

What are 3 adaptations that keep a polar bear warm?

One adaptation is a polar bears furry paws , another is its thick fur,and the last one is its small ears and tail. they also have lots of fat (blubber)

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the animal with small ears but is large is a hourse with its small ears and long tail

How does a polar bear's small ears and tail help it adapt to its habitat?

Both small ears and tail help because then there is not a lot of heat that gets lost. This helps the polar bear keep warm.

What kind of adaptations do polar bears have to live in the Arctic?

* Polar bears are protected with two layers of fur, as well as a 4.5 Inch layer of blubber. * These mammals have small, compact ears, that prevent heat loss through their ears. A contrary example to this would be camels. They have large ears, that help heat loss. * A small tail helps prevent heat loss, through means of their tails. * Polar bears have small, padded claws, to help cling on to ice.

Does the polar bear have a tail?

they have a short tail because their tail keeps in their warmth.To minimize heat loss :]Polar bears like other bears have short tails more or less because they don't need long ones. Bears evolved from a canine like species that had long tails. They didn't really need the long tails and through natural selection eventually evolved the stumpy tails they have today. Another reason specific to polar bears is that is very inefficient to heat a long tail when temperatures are as cold as they are in that bears environment.

Why do polar bears have a tail?

It probably was once useful but like the appendix in people its currently useless

What is the appearance of polar bears?

polar bears look normally just like a bear.they are from the bear family so they look like a bear of course.a polar beares fur is ice whits and sometimes ther fur can be dependes on where the polar is staying.

How long is a bear?

Adult bear sizes vary by species. From head to tail may be 120 cm (4 feet) in sun bears to 300 cm (10 feet) in large polar bears and brown bears.

Are people with fox ears and tail or wolf ears and tail real?

No they are not real.

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A cats body langue is actullay very simplie . the cat has to places it can be seen on its ears and its tail Happy-Tail waving ears still Mad-Tail staightup ears flattend Attentive-Tail down ears up