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The inside of it is hollow. You cannot go inside of it. It is not open to the public. It is accessible only to workers doing maintenance on it. Check the video below showing when it was erected and you can see that there were workers inside it, helping to assemble it.

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Q: What is inside of the Spire of Dublin and can you go inside it?
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When was Spire of Dublin created?

Spire of Dublin was created in 2003.

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The Spire is in the centre of Dublin City in Ireland.

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O' Connell street

Where in Dublin is the spire?

It is in O'Connell Street, Dubln's main street.

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Most people leave the word Dublin out and just refer to it as the Spire. Its official name is actually the Monument of Light. And some people just call it The Erection at the Intersection....

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A cell phone, a newspaper and a CD player.

Is the spire in Dublin the tallest spire in the world?

Yes. It is about 120 metres or 390 feet tall.

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The Monument of Light, which is its official title, more commonly known as the Spire.

What represents Dublin?

the river Liffy and the Haypenny bridge and O connoll st. (and more recently the spire landmark)

How many times can you go to the spire in Fable 2?

You are able to go to the Spire once and only once