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dead/inactive viruses. that's why you don't get sick. dead/inactive viruses. that's why you don't get sick.

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Q: What is inside vaccine that works without making people sick?
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What diseases were people suffering from without the Hepatitis B vaccine?

Since Hepatitis B vaccine only protects against Hepatitis B, the only thing the vaccine controls is Hepatitis B infections.

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Jonas Salk developed the Polio Vaccine at the University of Pittsburgh. Without the Polio vaccine, people today would still be suffering from the disease today.

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Is it true that a vaccine for HIV and AIDS was found but some people are hiding it from people?

There is active research into making a vaccine against HIV. Claims that one has been found may be based on preliminary research findings. None have yet proved to be effective and safe enough to warrant mass immunization.

How did Louis Pasteur invent the rabies vaccine?

Louis Pasteur used the common sense for the vaccine production. He infected the rabbits with rabies virus. When the rabbit developed the rabies and died of rabies. He removed the brains of rabbits and dried them, for about ten day, after making small pieces of the same. This way he attenuated the rabies virus. Form this tissue he made the rabies vaccine. This was very crude vaccine and protection rate was about 60 % only. 18 people died of rabies, due to rabies vaccine in initial days of rabies vaccine production.

How do you play Minecraft with people who live far away without making a server?

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Which vaccine type is not given usually to people whose immune system is compromised?

I would assume that live and weakened vaccine would not be given to such people.

Is H1N1 vaccine safe for kids?

That vaccine isn't available yet but it should be safe for people of all ages.

Do people have to pay for a vaccine?

some times, in schools like mine it is free to get the vaccine, but u have to pay to get it from a doctor.

Where can people get the vaccine?

Vaccines are available at your doctor's office.

Should a doctor charge to administer a vaccine and the cost of the vaccine?

My opinion is that no, doctors should not charge to administer a vaccine and the cost of the vaccine. If this was the case, not so many people would go to get shots to keep them immune from disease. If less people get their shots, then the whole population with become less healthy. #doesthishelpany #ihopeso #sorryifitdoesnot

Who made the rabies shot?

The French chemist Louis Pasteur was the one who made the first vaccine for rabies.