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Q: What is inspired early nationalism movement in Latin America?
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What inspired early nationalist movements latin America?


Describe how economic and political nationalism in Latin America were related?

Economic nationalism in Latin America often involved protecting domestic industries and resources from foreign influence, which was tied to political nationalism in asserting independence and sovereignty. Both aimed to promote self-sufficiency, reduce dependency on foreign powers, and foster a sense of national identity and pride.Overall, economic and political nationalism in Latin America were intertwined in efforts to strengthen and advance the interests of the nation as a whole.

The independence movement in Latin America was spearheaded by who?

The Creoles

Who led an independence movement in Latin America?

The Creoles

Name two events that inspired the people of Latin America to fight for independence?

One event that inspired the people of Latin America to fight for their independence was when L'ouverture took leadership of the country of Haiti. Another event that inspired the people to fight for independence was Napoleon's invasion of Spain.

How did Latin American nationalism in the first half of the 20th century differ from German nationalism in the first half of the 20th century?

Latin American nationalism compared to German nationalism was like comparing night and day. Latin American nationalism was disorganized and didn't have a common goal or purpose, as opposed to the German nationalism. German nationalism was to promote German supremacy and world control.

Which event most directly to independence movement in Latin America?

The intendancy system

What role did Creoles play in independence movement in latin America?

Creoles were the ones that had most rights in Latin America and therefore, they were the ones that led independence movements.