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Q: What is intended to protect competitive?
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Which is intended to protect competition?

anti-trust laws

What the statement that was intended to protect newly independent nations in Latin America was called?

Monroe Doctrine was the statement that was intended to protect newly independent nations in Latin America.

What was the statement that was intended to protect newly independent nations in Latin America called?

Monroe Doctrine was the statement that was intended to protect newly independent nations in Latin America.

What effect does deregulation have?

It would depend on what the deregulation was for but it is intended to make a particular market more competitive.

Which level of protection is intended to protect people and vehicles on a highway from the effects of an accidental explosion?

The PTR level is intended to protect people and vehicles on a highway from the effects of an accidental explosion.

Which level of protection is intended to protect people and vehicles on a nearby highway from the effects of an accidental?

The PTR level is intended to protect people and vehicles on a highway from the effects of an accidental explosion.

Most tariffs in the 19th century were intended to?

Most tariffs in the 19th century were intended to raise revenue and protect domestic manufacturing

What types of commerce information is encryption intended to protect?

In regard to commerce, encryption is intended to protect credit card information. Business suffers when consumers do not feel their credit card information is secure.

Who was the equal protection clause originally intended to protect?

African Americans

The Equal Protection Clause was originally intended to protect?

African Americans