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Q: What is interesting about dinner at the pickwells Maniac Magee?
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How was Jeffrey able to eat a meal with the Pickwells in Maniac Magee?

Jeffrey ate dinner with the Pickwells by following the Legend of Maniac Magee and walking into any house that had an unlocked door. Mrs. Pickwell was initially hesitant but then saw that Jeffrey was hungry and lonely, so she invited him to have dinner with them.

Who are the pickwells in Maniac Magee?

The Pickwells are a family that lived in the East End of Two Mills in the book "Maniac Magee" by Jerry Spinelli. They are known for their sloppy house and unkempt appearance, and they are the target of some of the racial prejudice in the story. They help illustrate the divisions and tensions within the town of Two Mills.

Who was the kid sitting next to Duke at dinner in the book Maniac Magee?

The kid sitting next to Duke at dinner in the book "Maniac Magee" is John McNab, a bully from the East End. John McNab regularly taunted and intimidated Maniac Magee during his stay at the Beales' house.

How long did Maniac Magee nap in the book Maniac Magee?

Maniac Magee napped for two hours in the book "Maniac Magee."

What is a good title for Maniac Magee?

"The Legendary Maniac Magee"

Who was the boys brother in maniac magee?

In the book "Maniac Magee" by Jerry Spinelli, Maniac Magee's brother was Jeffrey Magee, known as Maniac. He didn't have a brother. Instead, he lived with his parents and, after their deaths, he became an orphan.

What is the author for Maniac Magee?

Jerry Spinelli is the author of the novel "Maniac Magee".

What was Maniac Magee fav. color?

Maniac Magee's favorite color was gray.

Where was maniac Magee running that everyone else walks?

Maniac ran on the steal rail when everyone else walked in the book it says 'No, he was running- running -- where the pickwells themselves, where every other kid, had only ever walked -- on the steal rail itself' at the end of chapter 6

Who bought maniac magee new sneakers in the book maniac magee?

Amanda Beale bought Maniac Magee new sneakers in the book "Maniac Magee." She was impressed by his running abilities and wanted to support him in his running endeavors.

What chapter does Maniac Magee leave the beales house?

Maniac Magee leaves the Beale's house in Chapter 6 of the book "Maniac Magee" by Jerry Spinelli.

Who is the author of the novel Maniac Magee?

Jerry Spinelli is the author of the novel "Maniac Magee".