

What is ionic or electrovalent bond?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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11y ago

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Ionic bonding is when a compound is formed by an atom giving away electrons to another accepting atom that then stabilizes each atoms outermost electron orbitals. It usually occurs in a metal atom and a non-metal atom. They are pretty much made for each other like the star block is made for the star hole in that baby game with squares, circles, and stars that hammer through.

Think of the pluses and minuses NA+ & Cl- Oh baby, a match made in heaven!

Check out the definition of electrostatic attraction too!

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Q: What is ionic or electrovalent bond?
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Can you please give me an example of electrovalent bond?

Electrovalent bond is an other name for the ionic bond. This comes from the fact that in a ionic bonding it is electric attractions of the ions which make the bonding possible.

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Cobalt and bromine form an ionic bond. Another name for this is electrovalent.

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Sodium chloride has an ionic bond, carbon tetrachloride has a covalent bond.

Why electrovalent bond is also known as ionic bond?

Compounds with electrovalent bonds consist of charged particles called ions, which are held together by mutual electrostatic attraction. (The term "ionic bond" is more common, at least in the USA, than "electrovalent bond.")

What type of bond is formed when electrons are gained and lost?

Ionic bonds are formed between positively charged atoms (lost electrons) and negatively charged atoms (gained electrons).

What kind of chemical bond is formed when you transfer or exchange electrons?

The only kind of bond that occurs in transfer and exchange is electrovalent i.e. IONiC bond -=|)k=-

When a metal bonds with a non metal what type of bond is formed?

when a metal bonds with a non metal electrovalent compound is formed

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There are two types of bonding in ammonium sulphate. In ammonium ion, ntrogen and hydrogen are bonded by covalent bonds (intermolecular / Van Der Waals forces) as both of the elements are non-metals. Between ammonium and sulphate, both ions, they are joined together by ionic bonds.

What is ionic compound and its examples?

Ionic compound also known as electrovalent bond is a type of bond formed from the electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions in a chemical compound. These kinds of bonds occur mainly between a metallic and a non metallic atom.

Bond formed when electrons are unequally shared between two atoms?

De bond when an atom losed or gain electron is called an electrovalent or ionic bond. Ionic bond is bin defined as de type of bond which exist between a metal and a non metal dats deals wit de sharing of electrons. It deals wit a donor and acceptor, in most cases de metals are de electron donor while de non metals are de electron acceptor,