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Q: What is is called when using a resource that is not damaged?
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What conservation of resourues?

conservation of source is using of the resource cautiously is called conservation of resource

What is the process of using a resource wisely so it will not be used up?

Using a resource wisely so that it will not be used up is called conservation.

Using a resource wisely so that it will not be used up is called what?


What is excessive use of a resource called?

Excessive use (using more than you need to get a given output) of a resource is inefficiency or waste.

What is a positive impact of using a non-renewable resource to heat a home?

Its cheaper. Its less likely to get damaged, and more people are trained to fix problems with non-renewable energy systems.

What is a resource being used wisely?

using a resource wisley so that it will not be used up is called = conservation

What is it called when you Use a resource in a way that it is not depleted?

Sustainably means using it carefully so that it will last a long time.

A resource that can be replaced is called?

. . . a renewable resource.

Amount of fossil fuels that can be extracted at a profit?

The amount of fossil fuel that can be extracted at a profit using current technology is called the reserve. The amount of reserves in a given deposit is dictated by the amount of resource in the deposit, the cost of extracting the resource, and the price for which the resource can be sold.

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Is there humnan resource manager called ralph.o.a in nigeria?

Is heated water a renewable resource?

A renewable resource has the ability to reproduce using natural or biological processes. The answer to you question depends on how you are heating water if you are using solar energy to heat water than is a renewable resource but if you are using fossil fuel are energy that is produced by using fossil fuels( i.e electricity) then it is a non renewable resource.

A resource that can be replaced like a tree is called?

renewable resource