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Q: What is is caused by stretching of lung tissue caused by the alveoli becoming distended and losing elasticity?
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Stretching of lung tissue caused by the alveoli becoming distended and losing elasticity occurs in?


Inability of alveoli to contract because of elasticity?


When walls of alveoli deteriorate and lose their elasticity?


The loss of elasticity in the tissues of the lungs is called what?

The loss of elasticity of the alveoli is caused by high pressure in the bladder causing an unsafe drop in blood pressure which will cause alveoli to lose their elasticity. It can also be caused by being overweight, underweight, or eating feces.

What can happen to the alveoli if the lungs get damadged by smoking or disease?

The alveoli lose their elasticity and thus when you breathe in, not as much oxygen is taken in and transferred to the red blood cells, this is why people who have lung disease or smoke get out of breath easily

What is an illness of the lungs which causes the air sacs to expand and lose their elasticity?

this could be cause by a condition called fibrosis where the alveoli walls scar and thicken making a larger diffusion distance. also causing the walls to lose elasticity. this could be cause by a condition called fibrosis where the alveoli walls scar and thicken making a larger diffusion distance. also causing the walls to lose elasticity. this could be cause by a condition called fibrosis where the alveoli walls scar and thicken making a larger diffusion distance. also causing the walls to lose elasticity.

Can you lose an alvioli?

The Alveoli itself can not be 'lost', but it is possible to lose their function. Alveoli can lose their ability to exchange Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide with Blood. They can lose their elasticity and eventually rupture. Once they have ruptured it is impossible to reverse, and the damage is permanent.

Disease in which the alveoli are distended and their walls damaged so that surface areas for gas exchange is reduced?

EmphysemaA disease whereby the elastin in the walls of the alveoli is broken down by an imbalance between the production of neutrophil elastase (elevated by cigarette smoke) and alpha-1-antitrypsin (the activity varies due to genetics or reaction of a critical methionine residue with toxins including cigarette smoke).The resulting loss of elasticity in the lungs leads to prolonged times for exhalation, which occurs through passive recoil of the expanded lung.This leads to a smaller volume of gas exchanged per breath.

Why copd patient cannot apply oxygen more than 4 liter per minute?

because elasticity of alveoli is diminished in patient with COPD therefore administering more than 4liters/minute will collapse alveoli and patient may die.

Which disease is linked to smoking and results in a reduction in he number and elasticity in alveoli?

emphysema. however COPD which is a classification of lung diseases in general, including emphysema, is also an answer to your question

Why does the arterial Po2 decrease with emphysema?

emphysema is a condition of loss of elasticity of the alveoli where exchange of oxygen and Co2 occurs. The alveoli cannot efficiently exchange oxygen for Co2 so Co2 builds up in the blood. It is usually caused by chronic smoking but can be caused by other diseases/conditions.

What connects the respiratory and circulatory system?
