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Q: What is is radio sound heard through the use of?
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Why astronauts use radio waves rather than sound waves?

Sound waves need air or another material to travel through, or they go nowhere. Astronauts do their job in places without air, so they couldn't be heard by simply talking.

Does a radio use sound energy?

yes,because radio is an example of sound energy...

Why do astronauts use radio waves instead of sound waves to communicate in space?

sound needs something to travel through and space has no air for it to travel

Why can't we communicate in outer space?

We can if we use radio. Without it, sound waves can't travel through space because there is no air for it to travel through.

How do you control radio sound?

use the volume button

What do people use a stereo transmitter for?

Stereo transmitters work with your FM radio station to broadcast MP3 or digital recorder files through your stereo. You need a stereo transmitter to pick up the sound data and broadcast through the radio.

Which gases does sound travel through?

Sound can travel as long as there is something for it to travel through. This could be a gas (such as air), a liquid (such as water) or a solid (such as a metal). In outer space there is no air for the sound to travel though, so astronauts can not talk with each other unless they use a radio. Radio waves and light waves can travel through space, that is why we are able to receive light from the sun. Source:

How do you get sinon sound in HeartGold?

you have to use the radio on thursdays and it should pop up in the radio text box

Can you get WiFi through xm radio?

No you can not get Wi-Fi through XM radio. XM radio is satellite radio, some form of internet connection is needed to use XM radio.

Can you use radio signals in automobile horns to avoid the sound pollution?

That's the greatest idea we've heard today. There's only one minor problem with it: When you tooted your horn at someone, he wouldn't know it!

Where can you find a makuhita in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Use the hoenn sound on the radio which is only on thursdays. Sinnoh sound is wednesdays

What do scientists use to study radio waves traveling through space?

Radio telescopes.