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Q: What is is the classified as the world's fastest land animal?
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Classified as the world's fastest land animal?

The cheetah is classified as the world's fastest land animal.

What is the classified as the fastest land animal?

The cheeatah

What is the smartest and fastest animal in the world?

the cheetah is the worlds fastest land animal the orangutan is the smartest animal

Who is the worlds fastest animal?

The fastest animal in the world is the Peregrine Falcon with diving speeds of 200+ mph. That is for all animals. If you want the fastest land animal that would be the Cheetah.

Is the jaguar the fastest land animal?

Cheetahs are the fastest land animal.

Which animal is considered the fastest land animal?

the cheetah is the fastest land animal

What is the fastest running land animal?

The fastest running land animal is the Cheetah.

Is the puma the fastest animal on land?

No, the fastest animal on land is th cheetah.

Who is the 6th fastest land animal?

A quarter horse is the 6th fastest land animal.

Are cheetahs the fastest animal?

Yes. They are the fastest land animal.

What is the fastest land speed in the world?

the fastest land animal is cheeta!

What is the worlds third fastest land mammal?

a cheetah