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The chemical breakdown of food.

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6mo ago

Chemical digestion is the process of breaking down large molecules into smaller ones for absorption. Gastric fluid, secreted by the cells in the stomach lining, contains enzymes such as pepsin that help break down proteins into amino acids. This fluid also contains hydrochloric acid, which aids in the digestion of food and kills harmful bacteria. Therefore, gastric fluid plays a crucial role in the chemical digestion of food in the stomach.

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What gastric juice contains?

The stomach contains gastric juices for chemical digestion.

Does the small intestine have mechanical or chemical digestion?

Yes, in part. Chemical digestion occurs in the mouth (saliva), stomach (gastric acid) and small intestine. The nutrients are mostly absorbed in the walls (lining) of the small intestine.

The acid that aids digestion in the stomach is?

Enzymes, they are responsible in chemical digestion.

What happens when cooked meat passes through gastric juice?

The gastric juice dissolves the fatty part of the meat, therefore starting the fat's chemical digestion into fatty acids in the stomach.

When does chemical digestion take place?

Starts in the mouth when you start chewing food and mixes with saliva. Also in stomach by gastric acids.

2 types of digestion are?

Mechanical Digestion (ex. chewing your food) and Chemical Digestion (ex. your spit breaking down the food). Those examples happen in the mouth, but both types happen elsewhere in the body, too.

What are the phases of digestion?

interdigestive, cephalic, gastric and intestinal

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If you mean what is stomach acid in chemical terms? HCL.

What 'pre-gastric' and 'post-gastric' fermentation mean?

Pre-gastric fermentation is the process of microbial digestion occurring before the food reaches the hosts digestive epithelium (which secrete acids and enzymes) Post-gastric Fermentation has microbial digestion after hosts digestive epithelium.

Digestive juices in the digestive tract include?

Mechanical digestion is the same thing as chewing, or mastication. It does not need any digestive juices, because that is considered chemical digestion. Chemical digestion in the mouth during chewing is mainly by the aid of saliva which has, among other enzymes, salivary amylase which initiates carbohydrate digestion.

Is digestion carried out by enzymes?

yes,digestion is carried out by enzymes like gastric juices sch as pepsin.

Is gastric secretion good?

Yes.It is needed for digestion and absorption.