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a civil war

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Q: What is it called for people from the same country fighting against each other?
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People from the same country fighting against each other?

It is a civil WA. That is why when the south and north fought, it was called civil.war...

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It killed lots of people who were fighting against :)

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Two groups of people in the same country fighting against each other

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They both have the same people living in the same country fighting against each other. That is why it is called a Civil War.

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What is happening in Libya?

Gaddafi, the 'president' of Libya, doesn't treat his people right and used the government's money on himself and not for the people and the country, not the Libyans are rebelling and fighting against him.

What is it called when people from the same country fight against each other?

Civil War

What is war against your own country?

It is a civil war. If you engage in war to overthrow the current government, it's called a revolutionary war. If it's a war between people in the same country, it's called a civil war. If it's a group of people fighting against the government, it's called a resistance movement or a liberation movement. If the small group happens to engage in guerrilla tactics against their own government, it's also called a guerrilla war.

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It depends on who the Japanese people are fighting against and what they're fighting for.

What is a brief description of a Civil War?

A civil war is where the opposing sides belong to the same country or region, as opposed to fighting a foreign country. A war fought between people from the same country: e.g the English civil war