

What is it called if you take too much drugs?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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It's called O.D-ing, or Overdosing.

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Q: What is it called if you take too much drugs?
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Any drug can kill you if you take too much.

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People can take a whole range of drugs and have no problems, it's when you take or are give too much (like Michael) that's when you are in trouble.

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The word OVERDOSE (OD) means that you have taken too much of something - you can overdose on any drug, even prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs if you take too much. And yes, OD will kill you usually.

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A steroid can make u really sick if you take too much or if u even take it sometimes. SO DON`T DO DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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No you cannot. Lots of people get addicted to drugs and sometimes take too much on accident or on purpose but that doesn't make them mentally incompetent.

What happens when people take drugs?

depends what drugs you are talking about. =============================================================== ANY Type of Drug: when people take drugs, they're violat, drunk (depends), when they drive, they're likely to get aressted, and when they're out of jail, they sometimes lose their ability to drive. And if a person has been exposed to TOO MUCH drugs, it's likely to cause the person to die

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It is important to know how much medication or drugs is too much for the body to handle. Drugs used over a therapeutic level can cause an overdoes or death.

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Other than what? Other than too much euphoria? Too much relaxation? Too much poverty? Too much jail? Too much disease?

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What drugs did Robert downey do?

A LOT. too much to even name.