

Best Answer

fishtouchedmylegaphobia The fear of fish in general is Ichtyophobia, the fear of being touched is Aphenphosmphobia - sometimes called Haphephobia. A combination of the two concepts would result in Ichthyaphenphosmphobia or Ichthyhaphephobian

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Q: What is it called to have a fear of fish touching your legs?
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What is the fear of legs called?

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Yes.There is a genus of Australian spiders known as Fishing spiders (Dolomedes instabilis), of the family Pisauridaewhich, as their name suggest, catch fish, as well as tadpoles and frogs. These spiders have long, strong legs, and tend to rest by the edge of still ponds, with their legs touching the surface of the water. This suggests that these spiders can detect prey by touching the surface of the water: as prey approaches, the spiders will skim the surface of the water to catch creatures such as insects, small fish and tadpoles, and sometimes even submerge to catch them. They also lightly touch the water surface with their legs to lure fish closer.

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How do you Cook fishes legs?

You don't. Fish have no legs.

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it have no legs because its a Saltwater Fish

How many legs do a conger have?

it have no legs because its a saltwater fish