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Q: What is it called to judge or grade others or things?
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What is it to judge or grade others or things?


To judge or grade others or things?

To rate or be prejudice by judging someone of the different race and so on.

What other word of the meaning that judge or grade others or thing?


To judge or grade other or things?

To rate or be prejudice by judging someone of the different race and so on.

Using one set of criteria to judge others and a different criteria to judge ourselves is called a?

It is called a double standard. This occurs when individuals hold others to a different standard of behavior or expectation than they hold themselves, often leading to unfair and biased judgments.

What are those things next to judge podiums called?

The witness stand is next to the bench (judge's podium).

Using one set of criteria to judge others and another set of criteria to judge another is called?

Using one set of criteria to judge others and another set of criteria to judge another is called hypocrisy. It involves holding different standards for different people or situations, often leading to inconsistency.

No man shall judge another man or he shall not see kingdom of heaven?

The Bible does not say that but here are some verses that mention judging. Luk 6:37 "Do not judge others, and God will not judge you; do not condemn others, and God will not condemn you; forgive others, and God will forgive you. Mat 7:2 for God will judge you in the same way you judge others, and he will apply to you the same rules you apply to others. Mat 7:1 "Do not judge others, so that God will not judge you, Rom 2:1 Do you, my friend, pass judgment on others? You have no excuse at all, whoever you are. For when you judge others and then do the same things which they do, you condemn yourself. Jas 4:12 God is the only lawgiver and judge. He alone can save and destroy. Who do you think you are, to judge someone else?

Who is a person chosen to represent others?

A person that represents others can be called many things; a person that represents your company is called an agent, a person that appears at a meeting in your place and casts a vote is called a proxy, and a person that pleads your case in front of a judge is called an attorney or advocate. It depends on the situation.

If a judge sends a mentally disordered person to an institution because he poses a threat to himself or others it is called?


If a judge sends a mentally disordered person to an institution because he poses a threat to himself and others, it is called?

Commitment :)

Who are you to judge others?
