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Q: What is it called to put clothes in a suitcase?
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To put clothes in a suitcase?


Which brand of suitcase has the most room for your clothes on the inside, but is still small enough to fit in the overhead compartment?

A brand called Delsey has a very nice carry on suitcase with a lot of space for your clothes.

Used for transporting clothes?


What kids suitcase brands are there?

Amazon carries a great brand called Skip Hop Zoo which offers many different designs for children. They are sturdy & offer lots of room to put clothes in.

How do you pack a suit case?

Well first you need to gather all the clothes and belonging you shall need to bring. Then fold the clothes and neatly put them in your suitcase . Finally put your shoes and your other belongings in your bag.Now your ready to go!

How do I pack my clothes in a suitcase to prevent them from wrinkling?

To prevent wrinkles it is best to roll your clothes and not fold them.

Where are clothes kept?

In a closet, wardrobe, or in some cases a suitcase.

What is the kind of luggage called that has a big compartment like a regular suitcase but has a track in it that holds hanging clothes as well?

a wardrobe with wheels / magic

What is the best order to put your clothes in your suitcase?

Well all I know is that you have to put the big clothing on the bottom then so on until the smallest. But it also depends on what type of suitcase you have. When you have a wide one put the big one one the left,middle,and right side of the case. Also when you have a small one just bring the things you need.

Why do bud carry his suitcase?

Bud carries his suitcase because it contains his belongings, such as clothes and personal items, which he needs while traveling. The suitcase keeps his things organized and easily transportable.

Can you put gel in the suitcase?

the answer is pullman

Can you put makeup and toiletries in your suitcase?

If your talking airport security I've never run into any problems. I don't like having my toiletries in my suitcase directly. I always have it in a zip lock bag, just in case something busts, it doesn't get all over my clothes then.