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It is called irony or sarcasm when someone says something with a different or opposite meaning than the literal interpretation.

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Q: What is it called to say something but it has a different meaning to it?
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You may be going for 'misrepresentation'. Someone may say something without perfect use of words or grammar, and an unscrupulous person may twist the sentence around, giving it another meaning.

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An idiom is an expression that has a meaning different from what it literally says. For example, one can say that something expensive costs an arm and a leg, although clearly the point made is different from what the individual words mean.

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when people say for example a sentence and they mean exactly what they mean, this is called the literal meaning of their words, i.e. it is called the conventional meaning because it carries the literal meaning of the words which constructed it. and of course there are different kinds of meaning, according to H.P. Grice, there are the speaker's meaning (what is implied), the utterance meaning (what is said), and the implied meaning (what is communicated).

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Yes, 'the meaning was fraught' is correct. It means that the meaning was filled with tension, anxiety, or difficulty.

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The correct way is, "different from yours".

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an answer

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say if you say something right now tall if you tell them a secrat or something like that

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It doesn't have any meaning, it's just something to say when you have nothing to say.

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to say that something that has happened is unfair or illegal

Why do Americans say Done when they mean finished?

Americans have different words to have the same meaning. These are called synonyms. Oftentimes, these evolve from slang. Americans often do say they are finished when a task is complete, as well.