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This could be considered child abduction or kidnapping, as well as coercion or duress if the children are being threatened to comply. It is illegal and a serious offense under criminal law.

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Q: What is it called via the law when children under age 12 are forced and verbally threatened to get into a car - doors locked?
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How old was the youngest slave?

The age of the youngest slave varied, but children as young as a few months old were sometimes enslaved. It was not uncommon for babies and young children to be taken from their families and forced into slavery.

Why were slaves sent out to round up citizens?

Slaves were often used to round up citizens because they were seen as property and could be forced to do tasks that were considered dangerous or undesirable by their owners. Slaves were also sometimes physically punished or threatened with violence if they did not comply with these instructions.

What are the 4 most common forms of slavery today?

Forced labor, where individuals are coerced to work under threat or without pay. Sex trafficking, involving the exploitation of individuals in the commercial sex industry. Child labor, where children are forced to work in often hazardous conditions. Debt bondage, where individuals are forced to work to pay off a debt that is often impossible to repay.

What is it called when a person's freedom is intentionally violated?

When a person's freedom is intentionally violated, it is called a violation of their rights or liberties. This can include actions such as imprisonment, forced labor, or restrictions on movement.

What is child slavery?

Child slavery is a form of modern slavery in which children are exploited for labor, forced to work in dangerous conditions, deprived of education, and subjected to physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. It is a violation of human rights and affects millions of children worldwide. Efforts are being made to address and combat this issue through legislation, awareness campaigns, and initiatives aimed at protecting and supporting vulnerable children.

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What is childlabour?

where children forced to work is called childlabour

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Was threatened by southerners when she defended victims of lynching

What were the Muslims forced to do when threatened in 600 A.D.?

The prophet did even not start receiving revelations at 600 AD.

Ida B Wells was forced to flee the South because she?

Ida B Wells was threatened by Southerners when she defended victims of lynchings.

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Maybe they are forced to do it or chosen all alternative options to get heard verbally but have come down to a last resort of choosing this occupation

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a police man threatened to cut it down

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she was threatened by southerners when she defended victims of lynching

Why was Ida B Wells forced to flee the South after the US Civil War?

Idea B Wells was threatened by Southerners when she defended victims of lynchings.

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Do most children go to church?

Yes they are forced to.