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The Four Corners region.

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What sound does a wigeon make?

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What does drafts mean?

A military draft is when the govornment has the right to call men age 18 and older to military action in a time of need. This is without enrollment in the forces, but is not optional. If we were to be in need of more military personel but not enough were enrolled these men would automatically be enlisted, trained, and sent to duty. Well, yes, but the question is under "Business", not "Military History." Draft simply means to produce a document, ie., draft a letter or report. In the financial industry it also means a check. Yes, both are right. Also, draft means to draw as in draftman or draftsperson. But to draw as in producing a document. As stated above. draw as in drawing your number for a military draft. Wheew! And then there's a draft as in a breeze. Like: I feel a draft in the room. a selection of persons for required military service. Draft has several meaning, it might mean: - Compulsory military service (still happens in a lot of countries right now) - A preliminary version of a document (He wrote the first draft of this resume) - In the banking world, a bank draft is a paper that the bank gives you that is equivalent to cash.

Are hard nipples a symptom of pregnancy?

Breast tenderness is as a sign of pregnancy.From a mild tingling in the breasts, a gentle swelling, or an aching soreness, the breasts go through changes in response to the shifting hormones in your body that are an early sign of pregnancy.Small "bumps" on your nipples as a sign of pregnancy.You may never have noticed before, but there are small bumps on your nipples, called "Mongomery's tubercles." These become much more pronounced during pregnancy and secrete an oily fluid in preparation for breastfeeding. Nipples also change color during pregnancy, becoming a darker brown versus a lighter pink before pregnancy.I am 5 weeks pregnant and my nipples are very hard, big and they are very itching for about last 4 days.It is a real possibility. I am 10 weeks pregnant and hard nipples were my very first symptom. Before I even missed a period my nipples were flying at full staff and itching like crazy.Hard nipples on their own are not a sign of pregnancy but if you are pregnant you may well get hard nipples.Well, I'm five weeks pregnant, and hard nipples were my first sign. Really the only way to tell if you're pregnant is to take a test.