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Q: What is it called when a plant species grows where no life existed before?
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Plant life that grows naturally in a place is?

Plant life that grows naturally in an area is called an indigenous species. Its also called natural vegetation or a native species.

What were the laws called that ruled the US before the constitution?

They were called Grows.

How long does a male masquito fish grow?

There are several species of fish that are called "Mosquito Fish" The species most often refered to as a Mosquito Fish is the Gambusia and the male of that species grows to around 1 inch.

What is delisea pulchra?

a bacterial species that grows in biofilms

A person that grows plants is called?

A person that grows plants is called a farmer.

What is the species that grows new limbs?

Starfish are one example.

What is a person called who grows trees?

A person who grows trees is called an arborist or a silviculturist.

What grows in the coral reefs?

Well the coral reef or in latin known as the coralisius reefius and grows many species of pubes./

What is the hair that grows between the ears of a horse called?

The forelock.the hair that grows at the back of the hooves is called the fetlock.get it?

When multiple organisms of the same species coexist together what kinda results do you get?

Competition can occur between individuals of the same species, called intraspecific competition, or between different species, called interspecific competition. Studies show that intraspecific competition can regulate population dynamics (changes in population size over time). This occurs because individuals become crowded as a population grows.

What is the fungus called that grows on material?

the general term for the fungi that grows on material is mildew.

What is it called when a crab grows a new pincer?

When a hermit crab grows it's called molting, they go underground for months to molt.