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Q: What is it called when an organism reacts to its surroundings?
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What is response of surroundings?

a response to surrounding is when a living organism reacts to it's enviroment.

Organism's surroundings called?

the space an organism occupies is called a niche the surroundings of and organism would be its habitat I hope this is what you meant by organisms surroundings? if not restate question a little more clearly

An organism reacts to a stimulus with an?

An organism reacts to a stimulus with a response.

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camouflage i believe

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A change in an organism's environment that causes the organism to react is called?

The change is actually a stimulus and when the organism reacts to the stimulus, it becomes a response. Overall, The answer is a stimulus.

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it makes a type of micro-organism called 'fungi'.

Anything to which an organism reacts is a?

A stimulus.

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