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Q: What is it called when mammals have two different sets of teeth during their lifetimes?
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Mammals replace teeth only once during their lives This is called?

this is called replacement

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The ancient Egyptians believed that the pharaohs became divine after death. Different pharaohs were devoted to different deities during their lifetimes, as evidenced by the temples they built.

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What is the largest group of mamanals?

The largest group of mammals are called placentals. These mammals are animals that during pregnancy have a placenta that feeds the incubating offspring.

What period is the age of the mammals?

Mammals first evolved during the Mesozoic, the age of dinosaurs. After the dinosaurs died out, the Cenozoic began and mammals diversified until they dominated the land. Currently, we still live in the Cenozoic, so, technically, the Cenozoic could be called "the age of mammals."

How does mammals excrete-?

Mammals excrete in two ways. One is waste goes through and out the anus and through chemical waste.

How many years do most adults spend working at a full time job during their lifetimes?

50 years.

Approximately how many years do most adults spend working at a full-time job during their lifetimes?

50 years.

Why is the Cenozoic era called the age of mammals?

It is the time period when the world started to cool. Reptiles died back and mammals became and still are the most prolific of the animals on the planet.

How many American men will eventually develop kidney stones?

About 12% of American men will develop kidney stones during their lifetimes.

Is a sloth a dinosaur?

No, they came later. During the last two periods of the Mesozoic (Jurassic and Cretaceous) all the mammals were small and primitive, as the dinosaurs held all the important positions (called "niches"). When the dinos shuffled off, the mammals began to expand in size and complexity to fill the vacancies.

Species of existed during the mesozoic era?
