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mitosis or could be binary fission look both them up

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Q: What is it called when one cell reproduces by the process of splitting in half to become two cells?
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A prokaryotic cell reproduces through a process called what?

Prokaryotic cells reproduce by binary fission (splitting in two).

How does an aneba reproduce?

An amoeba reproduces by simply dividing -- splitting into two identical pieces (called binary fission). In this process, the nucleus divides by a means known as mitosis.

Which certain organism reproduces by splitting into two identical parts This is known as reproduction?

This is called binary fission.

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The stage when a person reproduces is called "reproductive stage," which involves the process of producing offspring. This stage is essential for the continuation of a species.

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Bacteria, amoeba, prokaryotes reproduce through an asexual process called "binary fission".

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The process of splitting an operation or task into parts is called specialization. This will ensure that a specific departments handles a specific part of the operation which maximizes efficiency.

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Meningitis is not a living organism and therefore cannot reproduce. It is caused by bacteria, viruses, or fungi that infect the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. These microorganisms can be transmitted through respiratory secretions, contaminated food or water, or close contact with an infected person.

What process is when cytoplasm splits into two?

The splitting of the cytoplasm is called cytokinesis

The splitting of nuclei of atoms is called .?

The splitting of nuclei of atoms is called nuclear fission. This process is categorized as either a nuclear reaction or a radioactive decay reaction.

The splitting of an atom's nucleus into two smaller nuclei is called?

The splitting of an atomic nucleus into smaller nuclei is called nuclear fission.

If cytokinesis is splitting of the cytoplasm what is the splitting of the nucleus?

The process of splitting the nucleus is called 'Mitosis.' After Interphase (G1, S, G2,) is the stages of Mitosis: Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telephase/Cytokinesis.

What is the splitting of cells into a copy called?

The splitting of a cell into two cells (to create a copy) is called cell division. The new cells that result after division are called daughter cells