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This animal behaviour is known as 'symbiosis'.

From the question, this is the most fitting term. More academically put, it is when a parasitic or reliant organism uses another organism for finding food, habitats, or mates. These can include fish that use the Portugese Manowar for food by guiding prey into the Manowar's tendrils, then feasting on the leftovers, or birds which pick dead meat from between the teeth of alligators, preventing tooth decay and providing food for the symbiotic life-form. For their part, the 'provider' does not sting/kill/eat the helpful symbiont.

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Q: What is it called when one gets a benefit and the other is not harmed?
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When two different by living in close association with each other the relationship is called?

depends... if one organism is hurting the other then it is parasitism like a flea on a dog, if it benefits both then it is commensilism like a bird that eats the bugs off an elephant, the bird gets lunch and the elephant gets cleaned I don't remember the last one but it's when one benefits while the other isn't harmed like the fish that catch a ride on the sharks and the sharks don't care. these three things are all called Symbiosis.

Why butterfly and flower is an example of mutualism?

They benefit each other by: A butterfly pollinate flowers and disperse seeds where no other wildlife can. This relationship is called "mutualism". And this relationship between the butterfly and the flower is very important,even to human beings. and that's the answer......well that's right!

What is the definition of commensalism?

Commensalism is where one species benefits and the other is unaffected. Like a bee and a flower. The bee benefits because it gets the nectar from the flower. The flower is unaffected because nothing happens to it.

What benefit do a zookeepers gets?

Zookeepers get many regular job benefits such as healthcare and vacation. They sometimes get to travel to other zoos too. They get to work with animals doing something that they love.

Commensalism in the Tundra?

Well, the arctic fox and the caribou have the commensalism relationship. When the caribou is going to hunt, the arctic fox follows it, and when the caribou find food, it digs it up, eats it, and leaves, and then the arctic fox goes over and digs deeper so it can find its share of food. Hope this helped!

Related questions

A relationship between two species in which one species the parasite benefits from the other species the host which is harmed?

There are three possibilities: 1. Both benefit 2. Parasite benefits, host gets harmed 3. No effect: both are neutral

What does it mean when two organisms have a symbiotic relationship?

A symbiotic relationship is when two or more organisms that live together interact, and one or more of them benefits. A mutualistic relationship is when both organisms benefit, for example, a bee pollinating a flower (bee gets nectar, flower gets pollen). A commensalism relationship is when one of the organisms benefits, but the other organism does not get helped or harmed. An example of this is a bird nesting in a tree. The bird gets a home and shelter, but the tree gets nothing. A parasitic relationship is when one organism is harmed and the other organism benefits. A familiar example of parasitic relationships is ticks on any animal (including humans!). Ticks take other creature's blood, harming the creature it takes from, but the tick gets food and energy! Organism - any living thing, including plants and single-cell creatures.

How does a woodpecker help a pine tree?

it doesnt the relation between both the organisims is parasitism which means one organism benifites off of the other and the other one gets harmed in some type of way. in this case the woodpecker gets food and shelter from the tree while the tree gets harmed by having a hole on it.

What is parisitism?

Parasitism is when an organism lives in or on another oganism but the 2nd one gets harmed while the other doesnt.

Commensalism between barnacle and host which gets skin ulcer?

well hi there its not commensalism its parasitism because when the barnacles attach themselves to the whale they benefit as they get transportation but the whales get this itchy feeling (skin ulcers) due to barnacles stuck to its skin so it gets harmed the "guest" which are the barnacles is harmaful to the " host" which is the whale .

Why is the relationship between the Grey whale and barnacles an example of of commensalism?

The barnacle gets free food and a free ride and the whale is not harmed by the barnacle but does not benefit ether from the relationship. therefore the relationship between the Grey Whale and the barnacle is a perfect example of commensalism.

Fleas and dogs are in a symbiotic relationship called?

It's not a symbiotic relationship ! It's a parasitical relationship. In a symbiotic relationship - BOTH organisms benefit form each other. In a parasitical relationship - only ONE of the organisms benefits - usually to the detriment of the other. Fleas suck blood from dogs - which can make the dog ill. The dog gets no benefit.

When two different by living in close association with each other the relationship is called?

depends... if one organism is hurting the other then it is parasitism like a flea on a dog, if it benefits both then it is commensilism like a bird that eats the bugs off an elephant, the bird gets lunch and the elephant gets cleaned I don't remember the last one but it's when one benefits while the other isn't harmed like the fish that catch a ride on the sharks and the sharks don't care. these three things are all called Symbiosis.

What term describe the ecological relationship between deer and grass?

The deer eat the grass. The grass gets no benefit from the deer. This is called commensalism.

Why butterfly and flower is an example of mutualism?

They benefit each other by: A butterfly pollinate flowers and disperse seeds where no other wildlife can. This relationship is called "mutualism". And this relationship between the butterfly and the flower is very important,even to human beings. and that's the answer......well that's right!

What are three types of sybotic relationships?

Mutualism: Both species benefit. The two organisms help each other. An example would be a honey bee and a dandelion. The honey bee gets to eat the pollen from the flower. The dandelion uses the bee to spread its pollen to another flower. Commensalism: One species benefits. The other species is unaffected. A common example is an animal using a plant for shelter. An American Robin benefits by building its nest in a Red Maple tree. The tree is unaffected. Parasitism: Ones species benefits. The other species is harmed. An example would be a deer tick and a White-tailed Deer. The tick gets food from the deer without killing it. The deer is harmed by losing blood to the tick, and possibly by getting an infected wound.

How is smog harmful?

its harmful because people get very harmed. They get harmed because of the smoke in the air. the smoke in the air gives people lung cancer and gets them very sick!! so you all better be careful.