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Q: What is it called when people are born with there legs together?
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What is it called when you are born with no arms or legs?

It is called phocomelia

What are birds legs called?

Well the legs are called legs but their toes are called Talons which as people we call claws.hope this answered your question.

Why do people call it a three legged race if there are only two people and two legs are tied together?

There are a total of four legs (two people each with two legs). Since two of the legs are tied together, it restricts mobility as if they had only one leg. Therefore, you have two indepedent legs and one functional tied leg, making it a three-legged race.

Can people be born with their legs grown together?

There are many cases where that has happened. It is called being a conjoined (or Siamese) twin. Sometimes the arms are attached, rarely is the head. In all situations like these, atleast one of them has some sort of mental or physical defect.

What is mermaid sindrome?

It's when people are born with their legs fused together, and it usually leads to an early death. :( It's incredibly rare though! There was recently a girl who was born with mermaid syndrome who died, R.I.P.

Do people with mermaid syndrome have scales?

No, it is just a disease that makes their legs "stick" together

Are foals legs joined together before they are born?

No but sometmes they can be still covered by the sac when being born which should be cut away

If there are eight people on the bus and each person has 2 children how many legs all together?

since there are 8 people there would be 16 kids. 8 + 16 = 24. Everyone has 2 legs which gives 48 legs

Are mermaids born with there legs together?

True mermaids don't actually exist, but they are generally depicted as having a fish tail rather than legs. There is also a disease called sirenomelia, or mermaid syndrome in which a child is born with the legs fused together. Those with the disease have organs in their bodies either missing or deformed and as a result nearly all are either stillborn or die at a very young age. To date only three victims of the disease have lived past early childhood.

What are things for warming people's legs called?

Leg warmers? xD

Why do fat people walk with their knees together?

Because their legs are so fat that their legs rub together when they walk, and most of the time the fat ends at around the knees. That's why they waddle too...the fat lards.