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Q: What is it called when someone is stopping a war with a truce?
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What is stopping a war by calling truce called?

Ending a war.Another View: An ARMISTICE

What is an abstinence of war?

An abstinence of war is an obsolete phrase for a truce.

Why did Dwight Eisenhower call it truce during World War 2?

General Eisenhower never called a truce in World War 2. His forces and the allied forces won World War 2 with the Japanese and Germans surrendering to the Allied forces. The Axis forces lost World War 2. You could be thinking of the Korean War when the allied forces repelled the North Korean Communist Forces back over the 38th Parallel. There was truce called in that war. The Korean war never had an armistice or surrender. The war is still in effect and the warring could start again some day.

What is the Olympics truce and why can no one say with certainty what exactly the truce?

"A herald travels throughout Greece stopping at all the city states andAnnounce the start of the Olympics,' A Sacred Truce ' is proclaimed and acease of all military hostilities lasting 4 weeks before the games begins ", the Greekcity states were often at war with each other so this was to safe guard the travel of foreign and domestic citizens to and from the games

What are antonyms of truce?

War, fight, battle

What is the Olympic Truce and why can no one say with certainty what exactly the truce entitled?

"A herald travels throughout Greece stopping at all the city states andAnnounce the start of the Olympics,' A Sacred Truce ' is proclaimed and acease of all military hostilities lasting 4 weeks before the games begins ", the Greekcity states were often at war with each other so this was to safe guard the travel of foreign and domestic citizens to and from the games

What is the temporary suspension of war by mutual agreement?


What did the Koreans sign to end the Korean War?

A truce.

What is a 5 letter word for end of war?


Who stooped the war during the Olympics?

The Priests declared a truce in times of war.

How did the war end in the Korean War?

{| |- | It ended with a truce. The truce continues to this day, with no official end to the war. The division between North and South Korea remains, though there have been some thawing of the hostilities. |}

What is a sentence of this word truce?

During Wartime the word "truce" means that parties on both sides agree to stop fighting for a certain period of time. Both sides must agree to the suspension of hostilities for a truce to happen.