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Q: What is it called when sound particles are close together?
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Are air particles of sound far apart or close together?

high sound particles are near, and low sound as far apart particles.

Area in which sound waves are pushed together?

This question is misguided. It is not the sound waves which are apart, but the particles of the medium. A place where the particles are further apart is called a rarefaction. Where they are crowded together is called a compression.

Why does sound travel qiuckest through a solid?

Sound is a mechanical wave. It requires a medium for propagation. Since the particles in a solid are close together, the sound energy is propagated way faster in solids rather than liquids and gases whose particles are not as close.

What do particles do when sound is louder?

they stick together

What kind of sound is produced by sound waves with peaks that are close together?

which kind of sound is produced by sound waves with peaks that are very close together?

How does the speed of sound depend on the medium?

you see. the denser the medium, the faster the sound travels. imagine a gas, particles are far apart transferring sound energy/waves will not be so fast. imagine a solid, like metal particles are close together, sound travels faster since it is transferred easily

Is high pitch close together spacing in sound waves?

No The pitch you hear is determined by the frequency of the sound wave (how fast the particles oscillate back and forth). Higher frequency => higher pitch.

Why solids transmit sound better than liquids and gases?

Solids transmit sound and vibration better than liquids and gases because solids' particles molecule's are stuck close together but gas' particles are far off wandering around while liquid's particles are not so close but closer than gas . The best sound/vibration creator is solids then liquids and last gases . Plus to put it in a way that any first grader would say is that a solid is hard so when you bang them together they make an astronomical sound . Its nothing really complex .

Compression waves that can be heard?

Compression waves happen when particles within a wave are close together rather than spread out. Anything that has a sound is a compression wave that can be heard.

Where in a sound wave are the air particles bunched together closet?


Why does sound travel best in a solid?

sound is the vibration of air particles. but think about how far all the air particles are spaced from each other. now think of how close the solid's particles are spaced to one another. more particles will vibrate and so sound travels better

Why does sound travels best in solid?

sound is the vibration of air particles. but think about how far all the air particles are spaced from each other. now think of how close the solid's particles are spaced to one another. more particles will vibrate and so sound travels better