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Q: What is it called when the egyptians worship many gods?
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Did egyptians worship many gods?


What gods did Egyptians worship?

They had many different gods eg god of the nile

What god did they worship in ancient Egypt?

The ancinet Egyptians worshiped many gods and goddesses.

Did the egyptians worship many gods and goddesses and they believed that these deities controlled the forces of nature and human activity?

the Egyptians worshiped many gods and goddesses and they believed that these dities controlled the forces of what

In ancient Egypt who was the ruler that made the Egyptians believe in one god?

Amenhotep changed Egypt's worship from many gods to one called Aton

Do the Egyptians worship one god or more?

They were polytheistic, meaning worshiping many gods and goddesses.

How did the ancient egyptians worship?

The ancient Egyptians worshipped many gods. Their ruler, the Pharaoh, was believed to be descended from the gods. He is chosen to act as the intermediary between his people and the gods. He helped to please the gods by organizing rituals and offerings.

Where did egyptians worship their gods?

yes, they worshipped many gods. Somewhat like the Greeks and Romans. Ra was the king of the gods, and the sun god.

What were Egyptians religi ous beliefs?

Egyptains believed in many different gods, sich as a sun god, water god, and many different gods. They would build statues of the gods to worship them.

Why did the ancient Greeks worship many gods?

Because their religion had many gods. It is called polytheism. There are many such religions.

Is it true the Egyptians worship many gods and goddesses and they believed that these deities controlled the forces of nature and human activity?

it is true

How many gods do Jews worship and what is that called?

Jews are monotheistic and worship only the creator God.