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a pardon(like in a general pardon) or amnesty

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A Presidential Pardon.

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Q: What is it called if the the president excuses someone from punishment who is convicted of a crime?
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Can the president pardon someone convicted in treason?


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Defines treason and the rules for punishment if someone is convicted of treason.

What can the president give to someone who has been unfairly convicted of a crime?

The president can grant clemency to someone convicted of a crime. Clemency can mean the sentence is either shortened or waived for that person. As for compensation for wrongful imprisonment, the president does not give any compensation. Once out of prison, the convicted can sue for compensation, but the president has nothing to do with that.

What is the difference between convicted and sentenced?

If someone is convicted that means they are found guilty of a crime (by jury or judge). After someone is convicted, they are sentenced, which means the judge (usually, sometimes jury) decides what punishment is appropriate. This can happen quite a while after someone is convicted because the court needs to do a presentencing investigation where the guilty party's age, past criminal record, mental health, etc. can be taken into account.

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What is the word for Someone who makes excuses?

There is no specific term for someone who makes excuses or alibis. Someone who constantly puts off tasks is a procrastinator.

If someone is convicted of a felony level offense what restrictions are placed on them?

they are put into prison, obviously. but depending on what they did they can be PUT TO DEATH. the severity of the punishment depends on the severity of the crime

When might a president pardon someone who has been convicted of federal crime?

Usually right before they vacate the office.

Who can president pardon?

The US President cannot pardon someone convicted of crimes other than federal crimes, he cannot pardon someone who has been impeached (and tried, and convicted), and he cannot pardon himself. He also cannot pardon someone for crimes not yet committed. However, there is no requirement that someone actually be convicted, so a Presidential pardon can effectively block any prosecution.

What 2 things could happen to someone accused and convicted of treason?

Life in federal prison or death. Treason is one of the rare occasions in which sentance to death is deemed the usual punishment. they get executed