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Q: What is it called when you are able to see the past through objects?
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Science of unearthing and interpreting objects from past societies are?

Scientists that unearth and interpret objects from past societies are called archaeologists.

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How is called the study of objects to learn about past human life?

The study of objects to learn about past human life is called archaeology. Archaeologists analyze artifacts, structures, and other physical remains to understand the history and culture of ancient civilizations.

Why opaque objects do not cause a shadow?

Opaque objects do not let light to past through so it will not cause a shadow. Because light cannot get through an opaque object, it will cast a shadow on the side opposite of the light.

What force a substance that reduces friction and makes objects slide past each other?

That substance is called a lubricant. An example would be oil.

What is a object dating back to the past?

An archaeological artifact, such as a pottery fragment or an ancient tool, that dates back to a previous era is an example of an object from the past. These objects are studied by archaeologists to gain insights into past civilizations and cultures.

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you have to get behind the objects

What is the past of verb can?

In the past, we say - I was able to do it, or in the negative, I couldn't do it/I wasn't able to do it.

What is the definition of the word robbed?

The word robbed indicates a situation where property, money, or objects are taken by force or through the threat of force. It is the past tense of the word rob.

What is a scientist that studies objects of the past?

Thao tran from vietnam

Science of unearthing and interpreting objects from past societies?

This field is known as archaeology, where scientists study past human societies through the analysis of artifacts, structures, and other physical remains. Archaeologists use a combination of excavation, analysis, and interpretation to learn about the cultures and behaviors of ancient peoples. By studying these objects, they can piece together the history and lifestyle of past societies.

What episode did Grell see Sebastian's past?

Grell isn't actually able to see Sebastian's past. But, he tries to see it through his cinematic records in season 1, episode 5.