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When you breathe in you inhale and when you breathe out you exhale

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Q: What is it called when you breathe in to get oxygen and breathee out to release carbon dioxide?
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You breathe out a gas called what?

we breathe out a gas called carbon dioxide

What is the stuff you breathe out called?

The air you breathe out is carbon dioxide.

What is it called when plants breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen?


Why is carbon dioxide released when you breath?

its called photosynthesis trees let out oxygen and you breathe it in then you breathe out carbon dioxide which the trees breathe in. So basically its from the oxygen the trees breathe out

What do humans breathe out and plants breathe in?

They breathe in carbon dioxide and breathe out oxygen. That's how they help us. It's called photosynthesis, requiring the use of the sun and CO2. It produces sugar, energy, and O2.

Do we breath carbon dioxide?

The air you breathe out contains the gas called carbon dioxide

How you breathe in air?

you breathe in something called oxygen and then breathe out something called carbon dioxide. Inside your body the oxygen gets running through your blood vessels ans heart and muscles. then even though you breathe in a bit of carbon dioxide- you breathe more out than in! :)

Why does plants do not breathe from stem?

The stem cells are used to grow different types of organs in the plant. The tissues of the plants breathe in carbon dioxide and release oxygen, not the stem cells. This process is called photosynthesis.

How do mammals breathe?

Mammals breathe using organs called lungs. They take air in and the oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide in small organelles called alveoli. This carbon dioxide is then expelled.

What is the process called where one takes in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide?


What is the Colorless,odorless,tasteless gas that you breathe in?

The colorless, odorless and tasteless gas that you breathe in is called oxygen, the chemical symbol of which is O2. Similarly, the gas that you breathe out is called carbon dioxide.

How does oxygencarbon dioxide and nitrogen gases cycle through the environment?

Almost all living things need oxygen. Plants start the oxygen cycle through the process of photosynthesis. Plants take in carbon dioxide, and release oxygen. Animals then take in the oxygen and convert it into carbon dioxide through a process called respiration.