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Q: What is it called when you can spell a word forwards and backwards?
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What is the word for words you can spell backwards and forwards and it's the same word?

They're called palindromes, like the word radar or the name Otto.

What are some words that you can spell forwards and backwards and it will sill spell the same word?

racecar wow

How do you spell that long word forwards and backwards in Mary Poppins?

supercalifragilisticxpialidocious and suoicodilaipxcitsiligarfilacrepus :)

What is a word called that is spelled same backwards and forwards?


What is it called when a word or phrase reads the same backwards as it does forwards?

That is called a "palindrome".

What is the synonym for the word backwards?


What do you call a word that is spelled the same both forwards and backwards?

A word that is spelled the same both forwards and backwards is referred to as a Palindrome.

What do we call words that are the same forwards and backwards?

The word is palindrome. For example “Madam” is the same read backwards or forwards.

What do you call a word that can be read forwards and backwards but not spelled like a palidrome?

It is called a semordilap which is backwards for palidromes. An example of a palidrome is kayak which is the same when read both forwards and backwards. An example of a semordilap is dog and G-d which use the same letters when read forwards or backwards but are obviously different words.

What do you call a word forwards and backwards?

A Palindrome.

What is it called when you take the first letter of a word and put it at the end of the word and it reads the same backwards?

A palindrome is a word that is the spelled the same forwards and backwards...Examples... racecar and level

What are names called that are spelled backwards and forwards?

Well how about~ Miller & Rellim Oprah & Harpo Did you know Hannah stays the same whether it is spelt backwards or forwards && did you know that if you spell Hanna It Can't be spelled back words hahaha ! =] Think before you write.