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Q: What is it called when you dont grow in size but age?
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Fish grow with age. Some only grow to the size of the tank while others grow to a maximum size no mater the size of their environment.

Do bacteria vary in size with age?

No they don't grow as they age. They grow as more and more people touch them.

What age do boys grow breast in puberty?

You are a idiot. They Dont.

How big should tits be at 16?

There isn`t a set size for any age. Your boobs grow with you. I was once told that your boobs are the size they are because of your life and they are the perfect size for you personally and your age, but they dont usually have a set size. If they are hurting your back or get in the way, you may want to see a doctor about getting breast reduction surgery.

Does a child's penis grow from age 5 to 10?

No, I dont think so. No, I dont think so.

How do you change age of mythology unit size?

K = grow and "shift" K = shrink

What age does a baby bearded dragon first shed?

It's not really a matter of age, its mostly about size and how fast they grow.

What clothes size are you supposed to be at 12yrs of age?

There is no perfect awnser for this. For any age group depends on your family and your diet. Lets say one 12 year old comes from short and skinny family and wears size 20 and lets say other has a big bone structure because of the family and has big hip bones and wears size 24 so it all depends also diet how much you eat and of what. People are different we dont grow same some people grow faster or slower some people very chubby at young age and then they are very skinny and tall from the time they grow up to be teenagers or adults.

At what age do feet stop growing I'm 13 male and i wear a size 10.5 US shoe. My mum thinks they won't grow any more but everyone else says I'll be a size 14 or bigger. Have my feet stopped growing?

you don't stop growing at age 13 unless you have a disability. sometimes your legs grow more then your feet, no one can really tell what size you will be but since you are at the puberty age your feet will grow, feet grow at a slow paste, be patient.

What should be the nipple size of a teenage boy?

The size of a boy's nipples grow somewhat during puberty, so it will be dependent on his age and his stage in puberty.

How do puberty affect the height after age 17?

If you never hit puberty you wont grow to adult size.

Do peoples' heads ever grow?

On average, a person's skull reaches full size and position at age 25.