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Q: What is it called when you get your tonsils taken out?
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How can you not have your tonsils taken out?

---- ====== ====== do not it is easy

If the tonsils are taken out can you still get tonsillitis?

No, if you have no tonsils then you cannot have inflamed tonsils.

Did Taylor launter get his tonsils taken out?

Actor Taylor Lautner did in fact get his tonsils taken out. He had them removed back in 2011. Taylor Lautner is best known for his role in the hit movie series called "Twilight".

What is inflammation of the tonsils called?

Inflammation of the the tonsils is called tonsillitis.

When you have your tonsils taken out do you lose your voice?


Do geese have tonsils?

Nope, no they're lucky that they don't have to go to the doctor to get them taken out! :)

Why did Cher Lloyd have her tonsils taken out?

They were taken out because they were infected... She had tonsilitus.

Which Beatles had their tonsils out?

Ringo Starr had his tonsils taken out in 1964; he missed a chunk of a Beatles tour. George Harrison also had his tonsils removed in 1969.

The pharyngeal tonsils are also called the adenoids?

Palatine tonsils and adenoids are NOT synonymous. Palatine tonsils, sometimes called faucial tonsils, are found at the back of the throat. Adenoids are the pharyngeal tonsils, located in the back of the nasal cavity.

Try to not have your tonsils taken out?

the tonsils are put in your body to prevent infection. if you take them out you have a greater chance of getting sick.

What is the treatment called breaking tonsils?

The treatment that is typically called breaking tonsils is the treatment medically named Peritonsillar Abscess. This is when a stones are removed from the tonsils.

How does toncils affect you singing voice?

Your tonsils shouldn't effect your singing. I know someone who is a great singer and they got there tonsils taken out. Your tonsils is not correspondent to your vocal chords.