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Q: What is it called when you make yourself spit?
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How can you make yourself spit up blood?

by drinking lime juice &a then after 10 mins stick your finger down your throat.

Why is the thing you roast pigs on called a spit called a spit?

becuz it holds the pig on the stick like spit sticks to paper

How do dogs spit?

dogs cannot spit becasue they do not have the same saliva glands that we have they have ones called saliva utocus which make green saliva if the dog is ill

What is the spit at the top of the south island called?

Farewell spit :)glad to help

What kind of things will create spit?

The things that create spit are organs in your mouth called salival glands. They create your spit.

Is lying to your friends in order to make yourself look normal or like everyone else a sin?

You should just spit out the truth. You should not lie even if it to make you look normal.

What are the ends of an island called?


Is spit acidic or basic?

test this yourself with litmus paper or pH paper.

What is meant by spit in geology?

The only connection I can make there is that a tiny island, "a tabletop with a palm tree" as it were, is commonly called "a sandspit".

What is spit in your moth called?

i think its suppose to be called saliva

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What is the other name for saliva?

It is called 'SPIT''....>_<.....