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Q: What is it called when you prove you did not commit a crime by being somewhere else at the time?
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I'm serving county time in Wisconsin and have charges pending in Pennsylvania will my time in Wisconsin be counted against my jail time in Pennsylvania?

No. You commit a crime somewhere and then commit a crime somewhere else, both places will want you to serve time for each individual crime you commit.

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The worst crime to commit is Cannibalism.Eating another human is being Inhumane.

Government does something that causes you to commit a crime which you were not predisposed to commit what is it called?


What if you commit a crime but it wasnt you?

Then you did not commit a crime. I assume you mean, "What do you do if you are charged with a crime you did not commit?" The answer is, "You get a lawyer."

Can a human clone theortetically commit a crime?

Its called the internet!

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Kings and pharaohs can commit any crime and no being accounted for. They could do anything.

What does the preliminary crime of attempt require to intent to commit a crime?

There is no such thing. Even if the crime was unsuccessful in being carried out, the attempt to commit it satisfies the legal requirement of a criminal act accompanied by a criminal intent.

What is a seizing property which is used to commit a crime is called?

Gathering evidence.

What is the importance of a ballistic test?

To find out who the owner of the firearm being used to commit a crime is.

How can juveniles prevent themselves from being tried as adults?

The best way is to not commit a crime.

Is it a crime to plan a crime but not commit the crime?

Yes planning a crime is a crime.More exactly, it is called "Conspiracy to commit X", where X is the crime being planned. There's a bit more difficulty in proving it, because the prosecution has to show that you knew that a crime was being planned and that you willingly (or knowingly) participated in that planning, but it's still a crime.Also, note that you can possibly be charged with a crime even if you are apprehended before you can actually commit the crime. For instance, if you and two buddies pull into a convenience store, take out your guns, and walk in, but are met with a bunch of police officers who arrest you before you actually stick up the place, you can be charged with Robbery, not just Conspiracy to Commit Robbery. The prosecution has to show that it is reasonable to assume you were about to commit a crime (i.e. you had your ski masks on when you walked in, guns drawn, not just walked into the store with guns in your belts), and that the crime was imminent (i.e about to happen, usually meaning in the next hour or so).

What is a person who had some part of a crime but did not commit it called?

Either an accessory before or after the fact.