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It is normal to feel very sleepy and wiped out after a grand mal seizure. You will want to just go to sleep and sleep for along time. It is also common to feel confused and disorientated.

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Q: What is it normal to feel like after a grand mal seizure?
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What happens after a seizure like days after?

Once a seizure is finished, a person will soon start to get back to normal. Within hours or even minutes, they will be fine. If they had a very bad seizure, they may feel unwell for some time, maybe still feeling a little unwell the day after, like still having a bit of a headache. They may not have another seizure for a very long time. So there may be nothing particular that will happen days after a seizure. Everything will be back to normal long before that.

What happen if you have 2 episodes of seizures?

Different people will have different experiences when having a seizure. There are many kinds of seizures, so every seizure is different. So a person could just be a bit dazed, like in a day dream for a short time if it was a mild seizure. They could be completely unconscious and maybe shaking for more serious ones. They may start talking to themselves or repeating themselves. These are just a few of the things that can happen. After a while people will come back to normal. They may be fine or they may have a headache or feel drowsy. This will depend on the type and severity of seizure they have had.

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They feel like a normal person It's the only way they dress

Can antibiotics cause a grand mal seizure?

Short answer- Yes, in general antibiotics may cause a grand mal seizure. Long answer- In any specific case, maybe. People who are sick and getting antibiotics are more likely to have a seizure from the underlying illness, and potentially the associated fever. There is a concept of a seizure threshold. Think of the brain like a pot of water, and a seizure like boiling. Anything that raises the temperature (metaphorically) increases the chances of having a seizure. These can include generally being sick, a high fever, electrolyte abnormalities, genetic propensity, and certain medications. Also medications can interfere with the metabolism of seizure medications and in some people the infection involves the brain, and can cause seizures. Some antibiotics (but not all) are known to lower the seizure threshold, and have a slight increase in the number of seizures, usually a few patients in every thousand treated. Justin Montanye, MD

What is a metabolic cause of a seizure?

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What is an epileptic fit?

An epileptic seizure is usually caused by some electrical activity in the brain. We all have electrical activity in the brain. If there is an excessive amount, this can cause an epileptic seizure. This can cause the person not to feel well, possibly lose conciousness, and have unusual physical activity because their brain is not working properly. Some physical activity could be very minor, like small movements or could be much larger like physical jolting of parts of the body. A seizure will usually not last very long and the person will soon return to normal.

Why can you not be normal?

If you feel abnormal, it is either because you feel like or you know you did something wrong and you don't know how to deal with it, but other than that, if you are human than you are normal. You cannot be not normal.

You are 15 and currently in puberty is it normal to feel a strain on your voice like you feel like you have to push your voice for it to escape?

That feeling is more pronounced ins some then others but is quite normal.

What is a grandma seizure?

A generalized tonic-clonic (grand-mal) seizure begins with a loud cry before the person having the seizure loses consciousness and falls to the ground. lasts between two and five minutes. the person may be confused.when he regains consciousness.

When someone has to take drugs just to feel normal, this is called what?

I have adhd so I feel “normal" because technically it's making me function like a “normal" person. I placed a link in my Bio you can check it out

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It is normal to feel like you want to have sex on your period. A woman's hormones are going wild when on their period.

Can you die from a siezure?

A seizure can cause you to do something which could cause death (hit your head, etc), but it is very rare that the actual seizure would kill you. Jett Travolta had a seizure and hit his head on a bathroom fixture which caused him to die from brain swelling... Also, your tongue rolls into your mouth and you choke on your tongue which can cause death. During a seizure, you dont feel anything. A seizure is like the hardest workout you will ever get, so you get very tired.