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Q: What is it that the bill of rights guarrantees that made you so adamat about its passage?
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Who pushed hardest for the passage of a Bill of Rights?

thomas jefferson

Who pushed the hardest for passage of Bill of Rights?

Thomas Jefferson

What guaranteed basic liberties and indicated some swing away from federalist centralizing?

The Bill of Rights guaranteed basic liberties, such as freedom of speech. The passage of the Bill of Rights signaled a swing away from federalist centralizing.

how did the signing of the Magna Carta lead to the passage of the English bill of rights?

The Magna Carta signing lead to the formation of the English Bill of Rights because it encouraged the colonists to gain independence from Great Brittian. You're welcome!

Does The Bill of Rights guarantee does the bill rights give or does The Bill of Rights abolish?

Bill or rights guarantees.

Bill of Rights were in the Constitution?

Yes. In order to bridge the divide that kept the Constitution from being ratified, a compromise was made that consisted of the passage of the first ten amendments to the constitution, which are called the Bill of Rights, and they were approved the same time the constitution was signed, and later ratified.

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What document strictly limited the power of the English monarch after 1689?

The English Bill of Rights

What document gives American citizens civil rights?

The Bill of Rights

What was the Virginia declaration of rights a model for?

The Virginia Declaration of Rights was a model for the Bill of Rights.

What political rights had England citizen won by 1688?

English Bill of Rights

What did many people want added to the constitution before they wouldnapprove it?

Bill of Rights