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This actual process has no name, (that I am aware of(Bee-keepers may know more...)) but is one of the stages required for the pollination of flowers. You could say that it is part of the pollination process but it is not essential for all plant life to be pollinated in this way.IT COLLECTES POLLEN GRAINS.

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Q: What is it when a bee collected nectar from a flower?
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What kind of relationship is exhibited when a bee flies a flower to get nectar?


How do you use the word pollen in a sentence?

Pollen is the plant version of semen. Here are some sentences.Pollen fertilized the flower, and a fruit grew.The bee collected pollen as it sipped the nectar inside the flower.I am allergic to pollen.

Which term describes the relationship between bees and flowering plants?

You might want to know, why do bees, butterflies, and wasps go to flowers? Is it the color? The smell? Or is it something else? Well all of these are partly right! Insects like flowers for these reasons... 1. Bees and Wasps and Butterflies drink the sweet juice there. Does anyone know what it is called? That is right! It is called nectar! The nectar is very sweet. Do you know what else eats nectar? Hummingbirds! The hummingbirds love the nectar. The bees also use the nectar to make honey. Do you like honey? It comes from bees and flowers. a. But, why do insects go to flowers? How many of you have seen all kinds of flowers! Can you tell me something about them? That is right they are colorful! Flowers come in many different shapes and sizes. The bright colors attract the insects to the flowers. If a bee likes one color better, then there are plenty of flowers for him to got to. While if Mr. Bee 2 likes a different color, he has plenty for him to go to. b. The other reason that insects go to flowers, besides for food and the color and shape is... That is right! The smell. Flowers smell so good! Have you ever smelled a rose? Some people dry flowers and put them in places so that they can smell them. Most flowers smell good. Well some of them anyway. Have you ever heard of the Corps flower? It stinks so bad! It smells like a dead animal! When the insects come, do they help the flower? Yes! The insects do help, by picking up pollen. Pollen is the yellow or orange powder that make us sneeze in the spring. Bees travel from flower to flower, collecting nectar (which is later converted to honey), and in the process they pick up pollen grains. The bee collects the pollen by rubbing against the anther. The pollen is collected on the hind legs, in dense hairs referred to as a pollen basket. As the bee flies from flower to flower, the pollen grains are transferred onto the stigma.This helps the flowers make seeds, and fruit trees make fruit.

Why does a butterfly fly from one flower to another flower?

They may be simply resting, but if you look closely, you may see that they are eating! They drink the nectar in the flowers. The way that they do this is they roll out their "tongues."

How do you you put pollinate in a sentence?

Bees polinate flowers.When studying how bees polinate flowers, a bee stung me.Since bees die after stinging a person, there was one less bee able to pollinate.

Related questions

Is a flower affected when a bee sucks its nectar?

No, the nectar is there to bee suck, and then, the bee takes the pollen to other flowers.

What happens when a bee lands a flower?

It collects the nectar and pollen (pollinating the flower).

What does a bee get from a flower?

It gets Nectar from the flower then turns it into honey.

What if anything does bee get from its relationship with the flower?

Pollen and nectar.

What feature of life is illustrated by 'the bee collected nectar from the flowers?


What is the relationship of bee and a flower?

Mutualism - both species benefit from their relationship. The bee comes to the flower to collect nectar as food, and brushes against the anthers of the flower, which are covered in pollen. The bee moves to another flower to collect nectar and rubs the pollen off on the second flower's stigma, fertilizing the flower. Thus, the bee receives a source of food from the flowers, and the flowers are pollinated by the bee.

What is the name of the sweet liquid collected from flower by bees?


Is it good for the bee if it takes pollen from a flower?

It doesn't hurt the bee, if that's what you are wondering. Actually, the bee isn't trying to collect pollen at all. Bees stop on flowers to collect nectar, and the pollen clings to the fluff on their bodies. When the bee stops at another flower, the pollen from another plant is brushed onto the flower. This is one way that flowers reproduce. The nectar collected by the bee then goes on to become honey after it is taken back to the hive. So, when a bee takes pollen from a flower, it is neither good nor bad, but a neutral interaction.

Which part of the bee helps to collect nectar from flower?

It's tongue.

What kind of relationship is exhibited when a bee flies a flower to get nectar?


What bees pollinate?

As bees take nectar from a flower, pollen gets transferred from the stamen on to the bee's body. When the bee goes to the next flower some of this pollen is transferred to the stigma, fertilizing the flower. Once a bee starts collecting nectar from a particular type of flower it will keep going to the same type of flower as long as it can, keeping the pollen to the same type of flower.

Social insects that produce sweet liquid from flower nectar it isn't bumble bee or bee or butterfly?

bumble bee its honey.