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Q: What is it when a twin is reabsorbed by the body in the first trimester resulting in extra amniotic fluid and umbilical cord double in size?
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Which parts are not present before a woman becomes pregnant?

Placenta, umbilical cord, fetus, amniotic sac with amniotic fluid. Basically everything related to the fetus.

What three structures protect and nourish the developing embryo?

Placenta, amniotic fluid and umbilical cord.

The embryonic cells that proliferate and eventually form the placenta umbilical cord and the amniotic sac are called?


How many weeks of pregnancy is it until amniotic sac forms?

The amniotic sac begins forming about 12 days after conception - the blastocyst becomes an embryo with three separate layers that will become the baby, the umbilical cord and the amniotic sac. This corresponds with implantation and hCG beginning to rise.

Where is the mothers placenta located?

It is the sack that surrounds the fetus in the womb/uterus. It contains the amniotic fluid and has the umbilical cord passing through it.

Is it normal to have low amniotic fluid in the first trimester?

No it is not normal, It is usually an indication of something wrong with the baby. But it can also work itself out..Good luck!!

What are the 5 stages of birth?

first the cervix opens, amniotic sac breaks, labor pains, birth of baby, placenta and umbilical cord are forced out by contractions

How does the fetus excrete metabolic waste?

Through the umbilical cord and placenta

What changes happen to a fetus in the 1st trimester?

The fetus began as just two cells that joined and started dividing rapidly, by two weeks the cells became an embryo, placenta and umbilical cord - by the end of the first trimester (11 to 12 weeks) the fetus has all the organs in place that he or she will be born with, the genitalia are still to immature to visually detect the baby's sex but will be fully developed in just a few weeks. The baby to be has a beating heart, functioning bladder and practices breathing by inhaling the amniotic water.

Would cause vaginal swelling during your third trimester?

There is a lot of pressure on the lower part of your body (waist down) by the third trimester because the baby is quite heavy now (and then there's all the amniotic fluid too). It is very normal to get this kind of swelling

What type of tissue is found in the umbilical cord?

The surface of the umbilical cord is comprised of amniotic epithelium contiguous with the placenta and fetus. The connective tissue of the umbilical cord is of extraembryonic mesoderm origin, composed of Wharton's jelly (mucoid connective tissue) and sparsely distributed cells, including, stromal mesenchymal cells, contractile cells, macrophages, mast cells and myofibroblasts. It also contains a large quantity of water which aids in the prevention of umbilical blood vessel compression. There are umbilical arteries (2) and a vein inside the mucoid tissue.

Do puppies come out in bags when there born?

Yes, puppies will come out in amniotic sacs attached by an umbilical cord. Usually the mother will remove and eat the sac, however you must be prepared to do this if the mother will not.