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Probably. Yep. You need to go to your doctor straight away. You might have cancer, a deadly virus, and/or a nasty case of gingivitus. Seriously, go to the ER or something!

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Q: What is it when you have a sore throat and bumps on your tongue and swollen gums?
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You have sore throat and inflammed gums and ulcers on your tongue?


Why are all your gums are swollen you have canker sores on your inner lip and side of tongue am running a fever and neck glands are swollen could this be from wisdom teeth coming in?

Sounds like thrush

What does it mean when my gums are swollen from my teeth putting pressure on them and now they are turning white?

White gums indicates an infection. The white cells buildup until the color changes and the gums should also be harder than usual. The swollen tongue would also be a side affect of the infection.

When a tooth is pulled can your gums be swollen and red?

This is gross, just warning you. But yes your gums can be swollen and red (because the nerves keeping the teeth intact to the gums have been pulled).

What should you do for sore gums and tongue?

For gums you should soak in salt water. for a tongue leave it alone i guess

Fix your swollen gums?

swish warm salt water in your mouth and brush your gums. :]

What causes bumps on your gums in your mouth?

u can get hurpes

What are the symptoms of oral cancer?

I don't really know much about oral cancer but I would think discoloration of the tongue and/or gums, oral sensitivity, loose teeth, and any bumps or marks.

Can Chewing a lot of Hard Mints Candy cause you gums to become swollen?

Yes, chewing a lot of hard candy mints can cause your gums to become swollen. This is particularly the case for those who have sensitive teeth and gums.

What are the symptoms of cancer of the mouth and oral cavity?

The symptoms are Bleeding teeth, or pain in the gums.

What causes swollen itchy inflammed white gums?


Do Oral contraceptives affect the gums?

Oral contraceptives may cause the gums to become tender and swollen or to bleed