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Q: What is it when your gums are deep red?
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What is abridement?

A deep and thorough cleaning, as of the teeth and gums.

When a tooth is pulled can your gums be swollen and red?

This is gross, just warning you. But yes your gums can be swollen and red (because the nerves keeping the teeth intact to the gums have been pulled).

Are the inside teeth baby ones?

no the teeth are deep in the gums

What colour are healthy gums on a dog?


How do you get rid of red gums in one day?

brush your teeth

What are some symptoms of gum disease?

There are several symptoms of gum disease. These include bad breath, your gums appearing red or puffy, your gums receding and your gums bleeding while brushing or flossing.

What were paddle steamers powered by in the old days?

river red gums

What do you call a deep red color?

"Crimson" is a deep red colour.

Your gums are red and your bottom lip is sore hurts to eat or touch what causes it?

When your gums are red and it's hard to swallow and eat, you may be suffering from mouth sores. These sores can last from 14 days to six weeks.

Describe the procedure of deep cleaning?

To get deep cleaning, you first get local anesthesia so that the procedure is comfortable. Then you would get a scaling deep in the gums where you have pockets. At the end, you might get a disinfectant liquid injected in your gum pockets.

What is contrasting color scheme?

color clashing like putting a deep red red on a deep brown

What are common symptoms of teeth disease in babies?

Some of the common symptoms for gum disease are bad breath, red or swollen gums, tender or bleeding gums, painful chewing, loose teeth, sensitive teeth, receding gums or longer appearing teeth.