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Q: What is it when your jaw starts to lock up when you go to eat?
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When people have tetanus why cant they open their mouth?

tetanus has the tenancy to cause lock jaw if left untreated i.e un-innoculated persons etc. lock jaw is where the muscles around the jaw tence up and cause a closed mouth i.e lock jaw effect and the person will need to go to the doctors/hospital and have there jaw injected with a muscle relaxant and "pry" the jaw open again, if lock jaw is not treated immediately then cracked/smashed teeth can be a result of to much down and upward pressure on the teeth. very nasty, cheers

Does Japanese akitas have lock jaw?

lock jaw is a myth and what you are saying is that they can take lots of pain while it holds on and the bull dog (holds onto to bull and wont let go even though it smashes to the floor) this is where it comes from and the Japanese akita isn't part bull dog so no it doesn't

What to do if your car starts to go into a spin and you have anti lock brakes?

Take your foot off the gas! Steer into the skid.

What nicknames does Blue Jaw Magoon go by?

Blue Jaw Magoon goes by Murder Incorporated.

Do staffordshire terriers have lock jaw?

Strictly speaking no, staffies do have strong jaws and will hold on to things which is why they love tug of war type games. This is why it is so important to teach staffies to drop things as if they want to hold on they will and it takes a lot of strength to get something out of their mouth by force.

How many people live in moose jaw?

go to moose jaw and count all the people that live there!!!!

Your kid has abnormal jaw structure in his mouth how can it be rectified?

he will have to go through jaw surgery but it has to be appointed by your doctor

If you are driving a vehicle equipped with an anti-lock brake system and the vehicle starts to skid you should what?

Turn the steering wheel in the direction you want to vehicle to go.

You wake up with lock jaw on the right side and it takes several hours to go away completely so what is it?

The condition is NOT true "lock jaw". Rather, a sore jaw on one side that makes it hard to open your mouth or chew is most likely that you clench your teeth at night. It's a common problem to many people living in these stressful days. A dentist can evaluate your bite and make a mouth guard for you to wear at night. The mouth guard helps to prevent clenching and so it keeps the jaw/facial muscles from going into spasm during the night. Until you see the dentist, apply ice--not heat----to the jaw in front of the ear. Ice can be left on about 10-15 minutes, then off. You can repeat several times a day.

Do rottweilers have a locking jaw?

No breed has locking jaws. Period. End of story.No Rottweilers don't have lock jaws, only PitBulls have that. As much as the rott tries they can never "lock" believe me ive owned several STUD rotties and tried to teach them...but its something that has to be in the bloodlinePit Bulls do not have lock jaw! Actually they had the least amount of pressure in their bite compared to a German Shepard. Lock jaw in dogs is a myth. Make sure you all do research before you assume. There is actually no such thing as lock jaw, only in humans! Go figure!they do have a lock jaw and its not a myth soooo y don't u do research be4 u say things okur just making an excuse because u have a German Shepard and don't get mad that a pitbull will beat it really bad and the pitbull does haVE MORE PRESSUSE ONTO THEIR BITE SOOO DO SUM RESEARCH. :i do not know who gave this a answer, but NO DOG HAS A LOCKING JAW! ALL DOG COME FROM THE WOLF FAMILY, IN ORDER FOR THERE TO BE A LOCKING JAW, WOLFS WOULD HAVE THEM! IT'S LIKE BREEDING GILLS IN A DOG, CAN'T BE DONE BECAUSE NO DOG HAS GILLS OF ANY KIND TO PASS ON TO THE NEXT GENERATION. THAT IS HOW EVOLUTION WORKS!

How do you lock your sprint phone?

ok what you do is go to settings their should be a tab called security type in your lock code to access your settings for the lock then go to lock phone and reenter your lock code.

If you are driving a vehicle with anti lock brake system and the vehicle starts to skid what should you do?

Keep firm pressure on the brake pedal and steer towards where you want to go.