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In atelectasis, the lung fails to expand because there is a blockage of the air passages or pneumothorax.

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Q: What is it where the lung fails to expand because there is blockage of the air passages or pneumothorax?
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What is an accumulation of air in the pleural space causing the lung to not expand fully or to collapse?

This is a pneumothorax or collapsed lung. It is generally brought on by a puncture in the chest that allows air into the chest cavity outside the lung. As the diaphragm expands, air is drawn in through the hole in the chest wall, and the lung will not fully expand. After a short period and continued respiration, the lung will not be able to inflate. Gas exchange will then be seriously reduced or not occur at all, and the victim willl rapidly begin to suffocate. Use the link below for more information.

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What would be the effect of a pneumothorax (air in the intrapleural space) on the lungs and breathing?

The affected lung would collapse or not be able to expand fully, so lung ventilation would decrease.

Is atelectasis when the lung fails to expand because air cannot pass beyond the bronchioles that are blocked by secretions?

Atelectasis is the collapse of part or all of a lung by blockage of the air passages or by very shallow breathing(atel means incomplete, and-ectasis means stretching or enlargement)COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseasesis a lung disease in which it is hard to breath. In this condition, damage to the bronchi partially obstructs them, making it difficult to get air in and out.

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BECAUSE the moncules are heated they expand because there gay and expand

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How does pneumothorax affect lung pressure and aleveolar pressure when inspiratory muscles contract?

A pneumothorax is air in the plural cavity. When a person takes a breath the lung cannot expand. This expatiation normal lowers the pressure in the lungs allowing air to move into the longs, without expatiation during inspiration the pressure does not change and air will not move in.

Is it true that lungs can expand and contract because they are muscular walls?

No. They expand because there's a diaphragm that sits below the lungs and make them expand

What are six reasons for Thoracentesis?

Diagnostic to get specimen of fluid for culture and cytology Therapeutic to take out fluid if effusion compromising breathing Therapeutic to instill medicine in the chest cavity Therapeutic to expand the lung in case of pneumothorax Therapeutic to remove blood after chest traumas Post operatively after cardio-thoracic surgery to drain out blood and fluid and to expand the lungs

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Because the particles

What do substances do when heated because of the molecules?

they expand

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Because when something heats it starts to develop into gas and the particles/atoms expand.