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jahiliyya was the period in the history of the Arabs when there was no dispensation.

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period of ignorance

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Q: What is jahiliyyah period?
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What is Jahiliyyah?

Jahiliyyah quite simply means "[a state of] ignorance."

Is there any possibility that jahiliyyah exists in the modern world?

It depends on your definitions. If it is talking about a "jahiliyyah" in the sense where people are ignorant of Islamic virtues, this is certainly possible. It is a point made by a number of Islamic scholars and preachers who wish to make the point that Muslims today are either a) not following the mandates of the Qur'an because they are assimilating into Western culture OR b) following local traditions in contravention of Qur'anic values. Whether this is their actual view or a rhetorical device depends on the scholar. There is a great degree of ignorance in both the Islamic World and the Western World, because both fail to teach critical thinking skills and critical analysis of history and government ideologies. If it is talking about a "jahiliyyah" in that people are burying their daughters alive and the tribal barbarity described by Muslim scholars concerning the "'Asr al-Jahiliyyah", then no, this is not happening.

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Muhammad received the first revelation by the angel Gabriel in the year 610, which means he started receiving revelations during the Jahiliyyah period. There were a series of revelations from that point on. However, there are no specific dates. He received a second revelation in the year 613 "angel Gabriel asked him to preach to the people"

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