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Q: What is jainism bhudism?
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Who is the founderof jainism?

The founder of Jainism is Mahavira. He is considered to be the last Tirthenkara or teacher of Jainism.

Who believes in Jainism?

Jains believe in Jainism.

What civilization founded jainism?

The Indian civilization founded Jainism. Jainism is a breakaway religion from Hinduism.

What is the Jainism popuation?

The Jainism population has about 43,000,000 Jains.

When jainism began?

Jainism began in1204 b.c

What is the place of Jainism in the world?

universe is the place of jainism

How Jainism developed from Hinduism?

Jainism did not develop from Hinduism.

Why Jainism ended?


What are four religons?

The major religions include:Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Confucianism, Christianity, and Judaism

In the age of mahavira jainism was known as?

In the age of Mahavir, Jainism was known as "Jin Sashan" which would roughly translate to "Jainism" itself, because 23 other Tirthankaras had preceded Mahavir and spread the principles of Jainism. In the age of Mahavir, his parents and many others were already following Jainism propagated by Parshwanath, the 23rd Tirthankar of Jainism.