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Q: What is jaundice combined with anemia?
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How connection the jaundice with bilary and anamia?

what i understand the jaundice is increase of excess f bile pigment but how can be connection with anemia or will not connection

What causes a leg to turn yellow?

There is more than one cause of yellow skin. It could be due to jaundice, hepatitis, anemia, gallstones or hyperbilirubinemia.

Will iron deficiency anemia bring about jaundice I was told I was slightly anemic before surgery due to heavy blood loss during menstruation. I have since had surgery to stop the blood loss?

Ineffective erythropoiesis is responsible for the mild indirect hyperbilirubinemia seen occasionally in severe iron-deficiency anemia. So yes it is possible to be jaundiced from severe anemia.

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The scientific name of a gulancha is TINOSPORA CORDIFOLIA. It can be used in chronic fever, gouts, vomiting, cardiac debility , skin diseases, anemia, cough, jaundice, seminal weakness, leprosy.

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What is the ICD-9 code for macrocytic anemia?

Macrocytic anemia is under 281.9 in the ICD-9. Macrocytic anemia does not have its own code. It shares that code with several other types of unspecified deficiency anemia, including dimorphic, megaloblastic NOS, nutritional NOS, and simple chronic.

Is infant jaundice fatal?

Infant jaundice can be fatal if untreated. Most infants recover.

What are some of the symptoms of SCD or Sickle Cell Disease?

SIckle Cell Disease is a blood disorder that affects red blood cells. Symptoms include anemia, jaundice, delayed growth, and episodes of pain called crises.

Does colon cancer have advanced warning signs?

There are many symptoms of colon cancer such as changes in bowel habits, constipation, diarrhea and any other stool changes. Also rapid weight loss, fatigue, anemia or jaundice.

Who discovered jaundice?

John Dice discovered Jaundice.

Is Jaundice spread?

Jaundice is spread by impure water.

What substance is responsible for jaundice?

what substance is responsible for the jaundice